State Property Fund of Ukraine / Identity

Graphic Design Brand Design Art Direction Packaging Design Identity Logo Creation Illustration Redesign Brand Book Creation

Task: To conduct a comprehensive rebranding of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, which would demonstrate the renewal of the privatization process? Decision: Within the framework of the project, we created the adjusted positioning of the Fund, and also developed a complex of visual elements: a new logo, corporate style and a large brandbook. The main message of the updated Fund: TRANSPARENCY AND PROFESSIONALISM These two principles were used to create the new corporate style of the Fund, built on the principle of dynamic identity, when visual elements are transformed, but retain the recognition and consistency of the corporate identity. The idea of ​​transparency was conveyed thanks to the light, airy layout of communication materials, as well as the execution of business cards, envelopes and folders made from transparent plastic. Also, we combined in the logo laconism and saturation with images: 1. CIRCULUS as a symbol of clear calculations; 2. KEY as a symbol of the possession of real estate and free access; 3. SHIELD as a symbol of state institution; 4. LATIN "F", formed by the teeth at the bottom of the key – the capital letter of the word FUND; 5. MOUNTAIN as a symbol of success and high ambitions; 6. The general contour sign solution supports the idea of ​​transparency.

Задача: Провести комплексный ребрендинг Фонда Государственного Имущества Украины, который бы продемонстрировал обновление приватизационного процесса. Решение: В рамках проекта мы создали скорректированное позиционирование Фонда, а также разработали комплекс визуальных элементов: новый логотип, корпоративный стиль и масштабный брендбук. Основной месседж обновлённого Фонда: ПРОЗРАЧНОСТЬ и ПРОФЕССИОНАЛИЗМ Этими двумя принципами мы и руководствовались при создании нового фирменного стиля Фонда, построенного по принципу динамической айдентики, когда визуальные элементы трансформируются, но сохраняют узнаваемость и единство стиля. Идея прозрачности была передана благодаря лёгкой, воздушной верстке коммуникационных материалов, а также благодаря исполнению визитных карточек, конвертов и папок на полупрозрачном пластике. Также, нам удалось совместить в логотипе лаконичность и насыщенность образами: 1. ЦИРКУЛЬ, как символ чётких расчётов; 2. КЛЮЧ, как символ владения недвижимостью и свободного доступа; 3. ЩИТ, символ государственной институции; 4. ЛАТИНСКАЯ «F», образуемая зубцами в нижней части ключа – заглавная буква слова FUND; 5. ГОРНАЯ ВЕРШИНА, как символ успеха и высоких амбиций; 6. Общее контурное решение знака поддерживает идею прозрачности. –––– Task: To conduct a comprehensive rebranding of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, which would demonstrate the renewal of the privatization process? Decision: Within the framework of the project, we created the adjusted positioning of the Fund, and also developed a complex of visual elements: a new logo, corporate style and a large brandbook. The main message of the updated Fund: TRANSPARENCY AND PROFESSIONALISM These two principles were used to create the new corporate style of the Fund, built on the principle of dynamic identity, when visual elements are transformed, but retain the recognition and consistency of the corporate identity. The idea of ​​transparency was conveyed thanks to the light, airy layout of communication materials, as well as the execution of business cards, envelopes and folders made from transparent plastic. Also, we combined in the logo laconism and saturation with images: 1. CIRCULUS as a symbol of clear calculations; 2. KEY as a symbol of the possession of real estate and free access; 3. SHIELD as a symbol of state institution; 4. LATIN "F", formed by the teeth at the bottom of the key – the capital letter of the word FUND; 5. MOUNTAIN as a symbol of success and high ambitions; 6. The general contour sign solution supports the idea of ​​transparency.