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    About me

    Since 2000 began to master 3D graphics, in particular 3D Max, it is mainly used in the work. I continue to study and gain experience.

    Easy to learn new things, I'm interested in creative work. I also work with sound (various sound editors and generators for writing music).

    In work I use the following software:

    3D MAX (V-Ray, Corona)
    Quixel SUITE
    Substance Painter
    Marvelous Designer
    FL Studio

    Programs mastered in one way or another extent, but what still not know - continue to study. The main direction is of course 3D MAX and V-Ray. Recently I prefer to work with Corona Render.

    I have no special diplomas in design and graphics (only higher technical education - mechanical engineer)

    I actively study various lessons in Youtube, online courses, webinars, etc.