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Thomas Dix Foto-Design

    About me

    During his work, the photographer Thomas Dix is remembering the primary meaning of the term "to photograph". He is translating the Greek word directly into "to paint with light" and means exactly this. His tools are instead of brush and paint the camera and its accessories.At the eternal competition of photography and painting, he is participating actively and successfully. To be able "to paint with light", he is intensively observing the objects he is approaching. He is tracing the flow of the light and its inverse, the shadow, during the day, is watching how the object is changing during this play, how it is becoming more essential and making its existence perfect. The photographer is really working hard for his picture, his feeling for the right moment is supported by patience and persistence, a certain passion and obsession for the "writing-with-light", but also empathy for this art and a lot of heart-blood. The visual artist often has the later image in front of his eyes, before he is pressing the "button". Creative possibilities like the use of lenses with different focal length are only supporting his photographic eye, that via looking for the subject, the correct framing, by trained vision and perception on time, captures now everything - the seen finally can become a picture. Then the photographer resembles again the painter, who is anticipating his painting before capturing it on canvas.

    Part of the artistic work are also landscapes, often part of the local environment, but also from India, that he traveled several times. His architecture-photographs have to be highlighted in specific manner are his architecture-photographs, putting into picture the evident intentions of the architects. Details of architecture and uncommon angles are besides an overall picture of the building giving birth to graphic almost autonomous, sculptural-looking works.

    Hansjörg Noe historian and pedagogue